The Graphic Voyager
January 25, 2012
The Graphic Voyager
The Graphic Voyager Logo design
Keep Drawing
January 19, 2012
Keep Drawing
A motivational video that would inspire anyone to start or continue drawing. It's never too late to learn how to draw. As they say practice makes perfect so keep on drawing. Made by Studio Shelter
How to remove the Frontend WordPress Admin Bar
January 13, 2012
How to remove the Frontend WordPress Admin Bar
Working on some WordPress projects lately, I find it very annoying to see the Admin Bar on top of the front end of the sites. Fortunately I saw a blog post from a colleague of mine and finally got it removed from the display. By adding the code below in your wordpress template’s functions.php, it…
Welcome 2012!
January 3, 2012
Welcome 2012!
Another great year has come 2011 was a great year for me but this year will be greater. I'm looking forward to doing a lot more than what I've already done and learning more new stuff. Work has been constant for me and I've always kept myself busy. I'm still in the process of planning…
Season's Greetings!
December 20, 2011
Season's Greetings!
Hello December!
December 1, 2011
Hello December!
Casa Bauza by Miguel Angel
November 29, 2011
Casa Bauza by Miguel Angel
Clean white design with use of wood elements. Visit Miguel Angel Lacomba website Source: Letmebeinspired.com
The Eyes of Imagination Calendar
November 29, 2011
The Eyes of Imagination Calendar
Illustrator Irina Vinnik Russian talented unveils 2012 calendar called "The Eyes of Imagination." View more of the calendar View more of Irina Vinnik's works Source: Fubiz.net
Going Solo
October 27, 2011
Going Solo
A stop frame animation created for the Toffie Festival 2011. It shares advice from local (South African) and international designers on starting your own business. View in Vimeo